Q What is the history of the product, when was it first used?
A. C.A.L.M. (Computerized Aircraft Log Manager) © began its development in 1988.

Q Describe training and ongoing support available and whether it is provided with your product or is an additional feature?
A. Training is optional at the customer site for 5 -10 working days as required. Ongoing support and training is available through site visits, internet web conferences, phone, fax, and email. Support and program upgrades are included for 1 year and are available in future years if elected by user.

Q What are the main aviation activities that C.A.L.M. supports?
A: Aviation Maintenance

Q What is the view of the return on investment for your system based on experience and your value proposition?
A: It is very difficult to quantify the ROI. Many of users have eliminated the need for duplication of effort and have significantly reduced their staff or freed them up for other productive duties. One of our customers that flies about 50 aircraft each about 10 legs per day can update all their maintenance records every morning with our systems. With the elimination of data and calculation errors and with the full traceability for records are virtually eliminated. Along with improved maintenance planning provided with our many reports, the ROI can be very short.

Q What is your average implementation time of the package, including the time required to load and enter data?
A: If data is available in electronic format, we can likely preload it. If no, data entry time would depend on the quantity of data required. Our implementation plan for our airline customers is to get them up and running side by side with their existing system within 60 days and using C.A.L.M. as a stand-alone system within 90 days.

Q 6: What implementation resources would be required from the client?
A: Electronic data (if available) for mapping into our system and experimentation with the system prior training.

Q: What additional software products does C.A.L.M. provide and for what industries?
A: Our software is specifically designed and sold for the aviation industry. Custom software solutions are also available.

Q How do you provide support and assistance to customers, e.g. 24/7 from a brick and mortar location, via email, tech support carriers, cell phones, etc.)?
A: Support assistance is offered to customers 24/7. It is generally provided by phone, fax, e-mail, website or FTP uploads or cell phone support is provided after regular business hours.

Q Does the system provide secured external party data access as needed?
A: C.A.L.M. has a menu level security module where full access, real only, partial access, or no access can be defined by the user to provide the required security.